Fall Fundraiser 2022


Mayor Mark Gyorfy                                               Committee Woman Donna Guariglia         Morris County Democratic Chair Amalia Duarte



County Commissioner Candidates:                                                            Chip Robinson, past County Chair 

Judith Hernandez, Thomas "T.C." McCourt, Baramdai "Alicia" Sharma



2021 Fun Fall Fundraiser

A beautiful fall day was the setting for the 2021 MTDC fundraiser.


Satement from Morris Township Mayor Cathy Wilson

TAPintoMorristown, May 30, 2020

MTDC's 2020 Nominating Convention

On March 10, 2020, Morris Township Democrats nominated Mayor Cathy Wilson and Bud Ravitz as their candidates to run for two seats on the Morris Township Committee. Mayor Wilson is running for re-election for a second term, and Bud is running again after having lost by only 8 votes in 2019. 


MTDC Fall Fundraiser had a lot of Jazz


Campaign 2018 Kick-off a success

We had a great turnout of 60+ attendees to the launch of Jeff and Mark for Township Committee Campaign. The sun came out just in time for the speeches! 

Wilson Passes the MTDC ‘Baton’ to Quillan in 2018

Cathy Wilson, who was elected to the Morris Township Committee in 2017, presided over her last meeting as Chair of the Morris Township Democratic Committee (MTDC) in June, 2018. The MTDC elected George Quillan as its new chair and designated Cathy as Chair Emerita.

During her two years of service as the MTDC’s leader, Cathy was responsible for reinvigorating the committee, growing its membership, and spearheading the Democratic effort to capture two seats on the Township Committee.






  Cathy Wilson (far right) presides over

  her last meeting as MTDC Chair.






Morris Township Dems in the News


At last, Morris Township has a winner: Mancuso, by 8 votes

Morristowngreen.com, January 27, 2020


"Gluegate" roils Morris, NJ Election

Election Academy, December 19, 2019 


Achieving another first in Morris Township - A woman as mayor - Cathy Wilson

Morristowngreen.com, December 6, 2019


Grayzel promises smooth transition as Morris Township's first Democratic mayor

Morristowngreen.com, December 3, 2018


Historic results in Morris Township

Morristowngreen.com, November 6, 2018


Morris Township Dems split tickets, choose old and new: Grayzel and Gyorfy win primary

Morristowngreen.com, June 6, 2018


Democrats Wilson and Arvanites break GOP grip on Morris Township committee

Morristowngreen.com, November 8, 2017


Morris Township Democrats want Planned Parenthood funds restored

NJ.com, April 8, 2016